We are seeking one lucky person to be the first to have our Heated Wing Mirror retrofit kit installed in their car.
This is a test installation, which will be used to validate and document our processes. You will end up with working heated wing mirrors, but it will most likely take longer to install than future versions. There will be a cost involved with this installation, but it will be a parts-only cost - our labour is being included for free in return for the ability to validate the installation process on your car.
There are various criteria which you'll need to agree to for this installation.
- You will need to travel to our location to have the installation perfomed
- Installation date may need to change at short notice
- The installation is likely to take 5 or 6 hours and you may be required to lend a hand during the process
- Your car will be extensively dismantled and photographed whilst the installation takes place
- You will need to pay for the items used in the installation
If you would like to be considered, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, rough location (postcode is fine) and contact number.