There's a new June 2023 European map update available in the Map Update Toolbox. (chances are you'll need to buy extra updates in order to receive it)

If this update does not show up for you, it may be that your 3 years of free updates have expired. If that's the case, you can purchase either an one-off update, or an additional 3 years of updates. Given the pricing of these options (shown below) it is daft to not buy the 3 year option.
To get to the purchase options, from the "Home" screen of Map Update Toolbox, click on Buy Content > Map of Europe > Buy and you will then see the screen below, asking what type of update you want. As can be seen, a single update costs roughly £100, where as 3 years of updates (so at least 6 different updates) costs roughly £163, making it the far better bet!

If you need to download the Map Update Toolbox program, it is available from this site: